
Why you have itch in vagina: causes and solutions.

Vaginal itching is one of the most uncomfortable and painful experience anyone with a vagina can endure. Of all the places on your body that can become itchy, irritated and red, a feeling of itch in vagina ranks number one.

vaginal itching can be a result of sexually transmitted diseases, yeast infections, pubic lice, urinary tract infections, shaving, soaps, and douches.

In most cases, vaginal itching can be treated at home but if it becomes severe, then you have to meet your gynecologist.

When your vagina is itching, avoid scratching even though the temptation is high because the more you scratch, the more uncomfortable and painful that will become.

In the night, itch in vagina worsens because during the day, you are distracted with work and everything else.

Below are the reasons why you have itch in vagina.

Causes of vaginal itching

Here some of the possible causes for itchiness of the vagina and the surrounding area.


With very many ongoing trends for example vagina whitening, changing vaginal smell and tastes. Many people have been exposed to irritating chemicals like soaps, bubble baths, douches, perfumes, creams, detergents, scented toilet paper, and ointments.

Those products can trigger an allergic reaction that can cause vaginal itching.

Healthcare professionals do not recommend using products to clean your vagina, the vagina is a self-cleaning machine.

For vaginal owners, stop using various products to make your vagina smell and taste better. Every vagina has its own smell and taste.

You just have to accept the way your vagina is.


  • Stop using all types of products on your vagina because your vagina is a self-cleaning machine.
  • Always wear 100% cotton underwear to prevent irritation of the vagina.
  • Avoid using scented products.

2. Yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infection is common among women of all ages affecting 3 out of 4 women at some point in their lives according to mayo clinic and it’s one of the major causes of vulva itching.  

The vagina has both good and bad bacteria and they have to be balanced, when the bad bacteria outweigh the good bacteria, that’s when you get a yeast infection.

Several factors are associated with the growth of yeast for example uncontrolled diabetes, pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives, Taking antibiotics, use of douches and perfumes, and wearing tight clothes.

There is little research about whether yeast can be transmitted sexually because all women have fungus in the vagina making it hard for researchers to study this aspect.

Common symptoms associated with vaginal yeast infection are itching, irritation of the vagina, burning, pain during sex, and painful urination.

You may also experience a thick or whitish-gray discharge that is usually described as cottage cheese but in most cases, vaginal discharge is not present.


There are various antifungal vaginal medications that can be used to treat yeast infections.

There are antifungal tablets, suppositories, and antifungal creams.

Suppositories commonly used include miconazole, clotrimazole, butoconazole and tioconazole.

3. Skin diseases

Skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can cause itching and redness in the vaginal region. Eczema is a condition where patches of the skin become itchy, inflamed, rough, and cracked. It mainly occurs in people with allergies and asthma.

It can also spread to the vagina in some women making feel itch in vagina.

Psoriasis is a condition that causes itchy, red patches, scaly on your body.  At times the symptoms can also occur in the vagina as well.


People with eczema and psoriasis can be advised to take some oral pills. Always ask your doctor first.

4. Bacterial vaginosis.

Like a vaginal yeast infection, BV is triggered by an imbalance between naturally occurring good and bad bacteria in the vagina.

The primary symptom of BV is odor and abnormal vaginal discharge, women with BV may also have burning and itching during urination.

It should be noted that most women don’t have any symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.


Women with Bacterial vaginosis should be aware of a possible sexual transmission and should be offered treatment. Antibiotics can be used but always consult your doctor first.

5. Sexually transmitted diseases

Having unprotected sex can lead to STD’s for example chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and genital warts.

Itching is not a primary symptom of STD’s although sometimes, it give you heads up of what is happening.

Other symptoms you can experience when you have STDs are burning, pain during urination, smelly discharge, painful sex and sores on your genitals.


  • Always have protected sex to avoid sexually transmitted disease.
  • You can also have a monthly examination with your partner to know the state of your health.

6. Menopause

When women are in menopause or approaching it, their bodies go through changes like vaginal dryness, hormonal changes, and increased risk of vaginal itching.

This happens due to the reduction of estrogen levels during menopause. There will be increased vaginal dryness which can also lead to itch in the vagina.

In the study that was carried out on the effect of menopause on vaginal health, it was concluded that women in menopause experience problems like vaginal itching, dryness, and painful intercourse but with estrogen therapy, you can feel better.


There are various treatments for women going through menopause but having estrogen therapy is so far the best solution

7. Stress

Stress affects everyone differently and some women can experience vaginal itching and irritation although it’s not very common.

It occurs when it weakens your immune system leaving you prone to infections that cause itching.

8. Vulvar cancer

In some rare scenarios, itch in vagina may be a symptom of vulvar cancer. This type of cancer develops in the vulva the external part of the female genital.

It also includes the outer lips of the vagina, the clitoris and the opening of the vagina.

In most cases, women who have it don’t even notice they have vulvar cancer until the doctor notices.

Vagina itching associated with vulva cancer tends to be localized in a particular area where the cancer is. It can also turn into pain quickly if not attended to.

That’s it for today, take care of your vagina.