
Irritation in vagina: causes, prevention, and home remedies.

The use of perfumed products, yeast infection, wearing tight clothes, Use of non-cotton underwear, and use of douches can all lead to irritation in vagina.

It is an uncomfortable experience for your labia minora to get irritated. You might end up with vaginal itching, pain, and burning.

Irritation in vagina during pregnancy is also common among women of all ages.

Irritation in vagina is a symptom of vaginal itching, vaginal yeast infection, redness, unusual discharge, and vaginal burning.

In the 2018 study, it was found that the major causes of irritation in vagina are infections, reaction to products, and changing hormonal levels.

The medical term of vaginal irritation is vaginitis which affects both the inside and outside of the vagina(vulva)

Causes of irritation in vagina

1. Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection in the vagina caused by bacteria and is the major cause of unusual discharge in the vagina.

Bv is not a sexually transmitted disease but increases the risk of getting infected with STDs.

The major cause of BV is the imbalance of the bacteria in the vagina.

The vagina has both good and bad bacteria which have to stay in balance, when the balance is upset, that’s when you will end up getting bacterial vaginosis.

In most cases, 50% of women with BV do not experience any symptoms but others can get irritation in vagina, unusual discharge, vaginal itching, and vaginal burning.


Your doctor will prescribe some antibiotics to help treat BV.

Some home remedies like lactic acids, probiotics, and antiseptics can be used to treat Bv .

2. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection that can also cause irritation in vagina.

Almost 20 million new STI cases are diagnosed every year in the United States alone.

Trich is caused by a parasite known as Trichomonas Vaginalis that affects women more than men.

You can be infected with trichomoniasis by having sex with someone who already has trich.

Women who have sex with other women can also get Trich through vaginal contact.

People with trich usually don’t have any symptoms but it increases the chance of getting sexually transmitted diseases like HIV.

Common symptoms are increases vaginal discharge, pain during sex, vaginal burning, itch in vagina and vulva, foul-smelling discharge that is yellow, green, or gray, and discomfort during sex.


Meet your doctor for a prescription of antibiotics, they are usually tinidazole and metronidazole.

Making sure that all your sex partners are treated is the best solution.

3. Vaginal yeast infection

Like Bv, yeast infection happens when there is an imbalance in good and bad bacteria in the vagina.

The vagina has both good and bacteria which have to stay in balance.

But when the balance is upset, you will end up having a vaginal yeast infection.

It is also called vaginal candidiasis, it affects 3 out of 4 women at some point in their life.

Even though vaginal yeast infection is not considered an STD, having sex with multiple partners will increase the risk of getting a yeast infection.

Symptoms of vagina yeast infection are irritation in vagina, vaginal itching, vaginal burning, rush, soreness, pain during sex, pain during urination, and watery vaginal discharge.

Use of antibiotics, uncontrolled diabetes, pregnancy, weak immune system, wearing tight clothes, use of perfumed and scented products can all cause vaginal yeast infections.


Various suppositories and creams can be used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Check all creams here.

Home remedies like apple cider vinegar, Greek yogurt, Essential oregano oil, baking soda, tea tree oil, and garlic can be used.

Check home remedies for vaginal itching.

4. Reduction in estrogen

A decrease in estrogen can be a result of menopause, breastfeeding, pregnancy, chemotherapy, being severely underweight, excessive exercise, thyroid disorders, and premature ovarian failure.

Symptoms of low estrogen are infertility, painful intercourse, dry vagina, irregular periods, hot flashes, increase in Urinary tract infections, and weak bones.


You can start having low amounts of estrogen but consult your doctor first.

5. Irritants

Products like scented toilet papers, scented sanitary products, perfumes, and douches irritate the vagina and vulva.

Stop using perfumed products to try to make your vagina smell and taste better, the vagina has its own natural smell and taste.

Such products can put you at a risk of bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, vaginal itching, burning and rashes.

How to prevent irritation in vagina

  • Wear 100% cotton underwear to avoid irritation of the vulva.
  • Avoid using douches and perfumes on your vagina.
  • Wear loose clothes.
  • Always wipe from front to back after using the toilet.
  • Use plain water while washing the vagina.
  • Have protected sex.
  • Have one sex partner at a time.
  • Don’t scratch even when it’s itching.